Some people might remember the video chat application Houseparty. Similar to others like Zoom, Skype, and What’s App, it provided light-hearted group video chat functionality alongside games and entertainment activities. In early 2020 Houseparty, developed by Epic, was at it’s peak and was hit by an unproven social media rumour that claimed the app caused users’ other online accounts (including Netflix, eBay, Instagram and Spotify) to be hacked. Epic later offered a $1m reward to anyone who could prove it was targeted by a smear campaign (however, the bounty went unclaimed). Later in 2020 Epic withdrew Houseparty from the app store and later discontinued it completely.

Back when these allegations first erupted in 2020, I took a few hours out of my “busy lockdown schedule” to take apart the application and see how it was ticking behind the scenes. This article will take us through a whistle stop tour of this analysis, breaking down some of the key functions of the app, and finally conclude with my personal opinion on if I think these allegations were true and if at all possible.
The Android manifest is a central configuration file used on an app-by-app basis. Manifests are consistently structured across all Android applications and hold information such as the application entry points, permissions, and the services that the application uses. Android as a whole is a fairly robust operating system, meaning that if an application is acting alone and inside the confines of the Android sandbox (i.e. not using any exploits or vulnerabilities) then if something isn’t in it’s manifest file, then it won’t be able to perform that action. For example, if you want your application to take a photo and tag the location, if the camera and location permissions are not set, then the application will error when it attempts to take the picture. It it possible to dynamically declare some of these permissions in the code base, but for the most part the manifest file is used.
So to start with, lets have a look at permissions. When it comes to permissions (and especially when looking at if an application is malicious) the goal is normally to identify elements that are out of the ordinary for the type of application being reviewed. For example, having a camera application that has the premium SMS permission would be seem a bit odd. When it comes to Houseparty, there are quite a few permissions listed, below is an excerpt of some of the most interesting:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED"/>
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.microphone"/>
<uses-permission android:name=""/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE"/>
Some of these permissions are self explanatory, however, lets take a closer look at a few.
- READ_PHONE_STATE – An application with this permission can access a device’s phone number, information about ongoing calls, and cellular network information.
- FOREGROUND_SERVICE – A fairly harmless permission, this permission allows for an application to run in the background while the application is not actively running or in the Android task stack. However, to do this, it must show a constant notification to the user. This means that unless a notification for Houseparty is in the device notification drop-down then it isn’t running on a device (outside of one or two edge cases).
- RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED – Boot Complete is one of these edge cases. This permission means that when the device restarts, the application can be ‘woken up’ and begin running. Without this, an application would need to be restarted by either another application or by the user manually each time the device restarted.
- WAKE_LOCK – Another fairly simple permission. This permission allows the application to stop the screen from dimming. Such functionality is usually used for call applications to force the screen to stay active while on video calls.
REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES – This permission allows Houseparty to request to install third party applications on the device. This is, however, not as scary as it sounds as there are several safeguards in place to stop the abuse of this permission. Unless you have the Unknown Sources option ticked in your Android settings this will fail, and even if you do, you will receive a yes/no prompt before an application is installed through this method.
- BILLING – Another scary sounding permission, however, not as bad as it sounds. Here we can see the difference between (for this permission) and android.permission (for the others). This means that this permission doesn’t reside in core Android and instead in vending, which is the internal name for the Google Play Store. Instead of what it may sound like, this permission doesn’t give the application the ability to access any of your financial information, instead it allows the application to request transactions through the Play Store. This will also display a yes/no prompt when it occurs.
The term ‘Services’ in Android is a general catch all term. In this context services will refer to anything that allows the application to run in the background or foreground when the application isn’t being manually and directly run, and is visible, to the user. Services, such as this, can be declared in the manifest file as well as dynamically in the codebase. Some examples of services being declared in the Houseparty manifest can be seen below:
<service android:name="" android:permission="android.permission.BIND_JOB_SERVICE"/>
<service android:name="" android:enabled="true" android:exported="false"/>
<service android:name=""/>
There are a considerable amount of services in the manifest, to many to list here, however many of these belonged to a package named InstaBug, which on their website describe themselves as:
Instabug empowers mobile teams to release with confidence through comprehensive bug and crash reports, in-app surveys, and real-time user feedback
As for the other services listed here, the BackgroundVideoService seems to be the main service used by the application. Earlier I mentioned that Foreground services must show a notification to the user when the activity is running. This restriction is only in place from Android 8.0 Oreo (API Level 26). In the Houseparty decompiled codebase we can see this notification being created, for this service, here:
public static void a(Context context, Notification notification) {
hxw.a(4, "Start service to keep alive and show active party notification", (Throwable) null);
Intent intent = new Intent(context, BackgroundVideoService.class);
intent.putExtra("ACTIVE_PARTY_NOTIFICATION", notification);
b = true;
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {
} else {
The next service, ScreenRecordingService, is for recording the screen of the device. This uses an Android system service named media_projection. Below we can see Houseparty retrieve the Media Projection system service and start an activity with it. However, as this service declaration in the manifest is part of the Instabug class, my gut instinct is that this is part of some bug reporting functionality.
if (bundle == null) {
boolean z = true;
this.a = getIntent().getBooleanExtra("isVideo", true);
this.b = getIntent().getBooleanExtra("isInitial", true);
Intent createScreenCaptureIntent = ((MediaProjectionManager) getSystemService("media_projection")).createScreenCaptureIntent();
if (!this.a) {
startActivityForResult(createScreenCaptureIntent, 101);
} else if (SettingsManager.getInstance().getAutoScreenRecordingAudioCapturingState() == Feature.State.ENABLED) {
if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, "android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO") != 0) {
z = false;
if (!z) {
ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[]{"android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"}, 2022);
} else {
} else {
Before we stop talking about the Manifest there are one or two honourable mentions that are worth discussing. These being the use of the Facebook marketing and the HockeyApp providers, where on their website HockeyApp describe themselves as:
HockeyApp is the best way to collect live crash reports, get feedback from your users, distribute your betas, and analyze your test coverage.
<provider android:name="" android:exported="false" android:authorities="com.herzick.houseparty.MarketingInitProvider"/>
<activity android:name=""/>
As with Instabug above, there are a considerable number of third-party libraries being used inside of the Houseparty application. This is not out of the ordinary for applications of this size, however, does pose an additional attack surface where if a vulnerable or malicious third party service is used it can provide an additional risk to the end user.
Side Loading / Hot Swapping
Earlier it was briefly mentioned how the REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES permission could be used, if user consent was provided, to install third-party applications on some devices. Here we’ll be diving into other methods that the application uses for dynamically running code/ content.
Here the term side loading is used to refer to the process of programmatically running third party code, or data, without going via the Google Play Store. Loading code in this form would mean that it typically wouldn’t be visible as part of a static code review such as this – meaning that potentially malicious code **could** be installed when then application is running.
After an initial look into the Houseparty decompiled codebase there isn’t an immediate indication that the application is doing this. However, Houseparty does have several dynamic elements, primarily it’s ability to dynamically update what games can be played in the application. While the specific games are hard coded into the app (e.g. Trivia, Heads Up, etc) the packs used in these games aren’t hard coded. Instead they are downloaded and stored in a Realm Database. I’ve only taken a look at the Heads Up game however, it seems likely that the same logic is applicable across all of their game offerings.
It’s important to stress here that while these games are dynamically downloaded there doesn’t appear to be any code downloaded, and instead just elements that can be plugged into the game engine. As below we can see the elements for one of these ‘Heads Up Card Packs’ being updated with this data.
public static HeadsUpDeckModel buildFromParcel(Parcel parcel) {
Builder builder = new Builder();
String unused = = parcel.readString();
List unused2 = builder.skus = parcel.createStringArrayList();
String unused3 = = parcel.readString();
String unused4 = builder.description = parcel.readString();
String unused5 = builder.imageUrl = parcel.readString();
boolean z = true;
if (parcel.readInt() != 1) {
z = false;
boolean unused6 = = z;
List unused7 = = parcel.createStringArrayList();
Some questions on if Houseparty was truly malicious may still stand: “well, what if they were to implement the side loading code in the future?” or “what if another one of the game packs side loads code?“. As a whole Google has very stringent rules on the side loading of code, with them stating that:
Apps or SDKs that download executable code, such as dex files or native code, from a source other than Google Play… are explicitly prohibited.
In general, Google also have fairly good automated systems for picking up these types of applications before they enter the Play Store, known as Google Play Protect, and scans over 50 billion applications, on user devices, per day.
To conclude, in my personal opinion I don’t believe Houseparty was doing anything malicious behind the scenes, however, I do recommend the advice noted by the team at NakedSecurity, across the board for all users/ applications, it’s a good read.