Tamper Detection Workshop

Learn how to implement and reverse engineer common tamper detection and attestation techniques.

  • APK Static Analysis
  • Patching Android Applications
  • Android Tamper Detection and Attestation Techniques
  • Getting started with SMALI

In Person



Learn Reverse Engineering Through Android Games

The building blocks for starting a career in offensive security by taking apart, patching, and altering Android games.

  • Learn how Android applications are developed
  • Learn how to patch and dynamically instrument Android applications for security testing
  • Learn how to reverse engineer Android applications and games
  • Develop your skills with challenges that will assess your understanding through the course

RRP: £19.99


Learn Reverse Engineering Through Android Malware Analysis

Learn the fundamentals of Android reverse engineering by taking apart and analysing malware samples.

  • Learn how Android applications are developed
  • Learn how to patch and dynamically instrument Android applications for security testing
  • Learn how to reverse engineer Android applications and malware
  • Develop your skills with challenges that will assess your understanding through the course

RRP: £19.99


Short and engaging course that provides a good starting point.

Martin C.

Good course for learning reverse engineering with Android. I will use this course to better my skills!
Yori M.